Friday, April 21, 2006

Bad math

by Laura Michaels, DI editorial writer

Who knew that math and science teachers were worth more than educators of other subjects? This is news to me, but apparently the Des Moines Register knows something I don't.

Their staff editorial on Wednesday completely missed the mark and instead succeeded in diminishing any sort of credibility the Register had on the subject of education.

Yes, math and science are crucial to a well-rounded and knowledgeable education. However, they should not take priority over reading and English, which are equally, if not more important, to a school's curriculum - and I'm not just saying this because I'm a journalism and English major. Being literate in our society is not an option; it is a requirement for success. Without the ability to read and thus write effectively, students face nearly insurmountable difficulties in other areas of academia.

Teachers of certain subjects should not be singled out to receive an increase in pay simply because they teach math instead of English. Rather, the state legislature needs to address the needs of ALL teachers when deciding the 2006-07 budget. As a state that claims to value education and yet sits at 41st in the nation for teacher salaries, Iowa needs to put its money where its mouth is.

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