Wednesday, May 14, 2008

What's the point?

So, John Edwards is finally endorsing Barack Obama. Great. Yippee. How interesting.


May I ask; what's the point? By waiting until it was totally safe, Edwards' endorsement has gone from what could have been the most important of this race to completely worthless. What's the damn point; does Barry honestly need those few delegates from Edwards? Is he worried?

Don't answer that.

This was a dumb move on Edwards' part. Way to go out on a limb there, Johnny. I'll bet when you go to Vegas you play the nickel slots, but you limit yourself to a dollar a day, right? Don't want to get too crazy. People might think you're a rebel if you moved over to the quarter slots.

/bored with this story

I've got to go get in the shower, John Edwards is having a millennium new years party tonight.

1 comment:

Jon Gold said...

I know this is late in the game, but I've still got to call you a dork for calling Sen. Obama "Barry."

/calls you a dork