Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Schweitzer 2016

The more I learn about Montana Gov. Brian Schweitzer, the more I like him.

Iowa Independent interviewed him at Tom Harkin's steak fry recently. I recommend reading the whole article, but his comments on immigration were particularly good:
In Montana we have about 7 percent of the people that have been there for 400 generations. Their immigration policy would be a lot different if they could have it over again. When people talk about westward expansion they call it an eastern invasion. Immigration policy is not a debate that just happened this year. We’ve been debating it for 150 years.


I want to repeat the principle: families who want to come to America, work in America, raise families in America, ought to be welcome because that’s the thread that has made this blanket so warm in this country. We need to have a system that allows people a path to citizenship.

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