Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Obama Campaign's YouTube Account Hacked

I just went to the YouTube page for Obama's Keating Economics video in order to check up on the number of hits it had received thus far (an impressive 1,153,860, which doesn't include several hundred thousand views the original video received before it was replaced due to problems with its soundtrack) and discovered that the campaign's account has apparently been hijacked.

In the "part of" section to the video's right, which allows users to link to other videos in a series, the link originally read as follows:

"Videos for Terrorists and Anti-Americans who think that communism or socialism is the answer. If you are a racist or a terrorist or have friends that are than this video is for you!"

Moments later, it changed to:

"JOIN OBAMA'S channel extension HERE! You must be a TERRORIST, A MUSLIM, or have close friends that are terrorists"

But upon clicking on the links, I only received the error message:

"The stream you are trying to join is closed."

However, this image was the closed page's background:

Then, the link changed again, this time reading:

"Sarah Palin S***ing and F***ing secret Sex Tape stolen from her home in Alaska!!!!"

This link worked, but only played the original Keating video. However, this image was now the background:

The page seems to be linked to YouTube user HoaxM3Not, but it's entirely possible that his account has been hijacked as well since his previous content doesn't seem to be of this type.

Apparently, Sarah Palin isn't the only one who's lax with her cyber security.

Upon checking the page again before posting, I've noticed that the odd links are gone now. Either someone from the Obama campaign or a more benevolent hacker seems to have fixed the problem.

This just goes to show that even an organization as web savvy as the Obama campaign can leave itself open to infiltration online.


Apparently, this was already going on yesterday. Which begs the question: Hasn't the Obama campaign noticed? One would think they would pay pretty close attention to this sort of thing.

1 comment:

Nate said...

Wait, Repubs know how to use computers?